
We are a trusted partner for our education clients. Including us early in the planning process to identify potential environmental and cultural resource constraints on proposed school sites lets you stay focused on what really matters – creating learning environments that meet the needs of your communities.

We have extensive experience assisting school districts, private schools, and college systems with regulatory approvals and the development process associated with new construction and additions to existing institutions. This includes everything from site selection through the public review/hearing process to the permitting of the project.

Our deep understanding of local requirements, policies, and procedures along with our sensitivity to local issues and community concerns makes us a valuable member of your team.

Giving Back to our Educational Communities

WSSI loves to give back to our communities, especially when it comes to encouraging young minds to pursue careers in science and engineering. Our staff have participated in local STEM education events as well as volunteered their time to speak as guest lecturers for college engineering programs to educate and inspire the next generation of environmental and cultural resource consultants.

Thanks to Nathan Staley and [WSSI], my students are using “real” data to help them visualize and understand the plan/profile drawing creation process. I have been teaching this class for 35 years now… It is difficult to train young engineers how to properly document designs. I really liked the clear and simple plan and profile layouts that [WSSI] prepares. Layouts are a difficult topic for students, but examples of “real” work help to drive the points home.

Denton Yoder, Computer Systems Engineer, Professor, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Department of Biological Systems Engineering