September 10, 2024; updated September 20, 2024

Hundreds of wetland scientists and regulatory specialists tuned in to hear what Bob Kerr, VPWD, SPWS, VSWD, WSSI’s Director – Hampton Roads, and colleagues had to say on the state of federal wetlands policy after more than a year of operating in a post-Sackett decision world. Bob and three other featured speakers led the Society of Wetland Scientists’ Sackett Symposium on Thursday, Sept. 19.

The event was free to SWS members. We will post a link to the recording when it is available. Learn more here:

WSSI bonus: Jenn Favela, PWS, VPWD, CE, VSWD, Senior Environmental Scientist, moderated.


  • Bob Kerr, PWD, SPWS, VSWD

    Director - Hampton Roads

    Virginia Beach, VA

  • Jenn Favela, PWD, PWS, CE, VSWD

    Senior Environmental Scientist

    Gainesville, Virginia