
WSSI has earned numerous awards and commendations from government agencies and private groups which are a testament to our leadership and excellence in environmental and cultural resources.


The Virginia Talent + Opportunity Partnership (Virginia TOP) 2024 Top Virginia Employers for Interns Awardee

Virginia Department of Environmental Quality’s 2024 Virginia Environmental Excellence Program (VEEP) Sustainability Partner


Civil + Structural Engineering Media’s 2023 Yearbook of Engineering Achievement, Environmental/Sustainability Category for Ballston Pond Retrofit (part of team)

Virginia Department of Environmental Quality’s 2023 Virginia Environmental Excellence Program (VEEP) Sustainability Partner

The Virginia Talent + Opportunity Partnership (Virginia TOP) 2023 Top Virginia Employers for Interns Awardee

American Institute of Architects National Design Award for Lubber Run Community Center and Park Renovation in Arlington County, Virginia (part of team)

Wildlife Habitat Council Green Infrastructure Award recognizing corporate excellence in conservation for the multi-feature habitat benefiting community biodiversity at our LEED Gold headquarters


American Society of Civil Engineers, Best of the Best Award for Bull Run Branch


Fairfax County: Honorable Mention for community benefit design excellence in the 2021 James M. Scott Exceptional Design Awards Program, for the Herrity Fountain Stormwater Retrofit Project

Wildlife Habitat Council Green Infrastructure Project Award recognizing corporate excellence in conservation for the native plant habitat at our LEED Gold headquarters

EcoVadis: Silver Medal for Corporate Social Responsibility/Sustainability

Chesapeake Stormwater Network: BUBBA (Best-Urban-BMP-in-the-Bay-Award) for Best BMP Retrofit, for transforming Fairfax County’s Herrity Building fountain and reflecting pool into a green infrastructure technology showcase (with Fairfax County DPWES and Environmental Quality Resources)

Virginia Lakes and Watersheds Association: Honorable Mention for the Dave Pearson Watershed Excellence Award at the Virginia Water Conference for our abstract, Northern Virginia Stream Restoration Bank – Wetland Success?? Case Study of an Urban Stream Priority 1 Restoration Project Restoring Riparian Wetlands.


Van Metre Homes: Best Land Consultant

Wildlife Habitat Council Silver Certification for the native habitat at WSSI’s LEED Gold headquarters


Fairfax County, Virginia: Tree Conservation Award recognizing Tree Preservation at Difficult Run at Brittenford Drive

Fairfax County, Virginia: Tree Conservation Award recognizing Tree Preservation at 5210 Prestwick Drive

Arlington County Board: 2019 DESIGNArlington Award of Excellence: Arlington National Cemetery Millennium Project

Engineering News-Record: 2019 Mid-Atlantic’s Best Landscape Hardscape Urban Development & Project of the Year Finalist: Arlington National Cemetery Millennium Project

Maryland Building Industry Association: Legislative Award to Mike Klebasko (2nd consecutive year)


Fairfax County, Virginia, Department of Public Works and Environmental Services: Champion Award for Public Service in the Area of Safety, presented to WSSI staff (Field Notes article)

Cornell University College of Engineering: Co-op Supervisor of the Year, presented to WSSI staff (Field Notes article)

Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries: O.P.S. Protector Challenge Coin #4, awarded to WSSI founder and President (at the time), Michael S. Rolband (Field Notes article)

Maryland Building Industry Association: Legislative Award to Mike Klebasko

Audubon at Home Wildlife Sanctuary certification for WSSI’s LEED Gold headquarters


Montgomery County (Maryland) Planning Department’s Design Excellence Program award: Open Space and Landscape category for Little Bennett Regional Park’s Day Use Area (part of team)


Fairfax County, Virginia: 2016 Land Conservation Award for the stream restoration project at Wakefield Park (Field Notes article)

Northern Virginia Building Industry Association: Associate of the Year (WSSI founder and President (at the time), Michael S. Rolband) (Field Notes article)

City of Alexandria, Virginia: Bernard (Ben) Brenman Award, Outstanding Archaeologist (John Mullen) (Field Notes article)

National Association of County Park and Recreation Officials’ Environmental/Conservation Award (with Fairfax County Park Authority) for the wetlands restoration project at Huntley Meadows Park

Reston Association: Community Partners of the Year (with Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries and Northern Virginia Trout Unlimited) (Field Notes article)

American Society of Landscape Architects, Potomac Chapter: President’s Award for Montgomery County Department of Parks’ Little Bennett Regional Park (part of team)


George Mason University: Volgenau School of Engineering Distinguished Alumni Award (Brian Chromey)

Fairfax County, Virginia: Tree Conservation Award for Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fairfax (Field Notes article)

Fairfax County, Virginia: Tree Conservation Award for the National Library for the Study of George Washington (Field Notes article)

American Academy of Environmental Engineering and Science: 2015 Excellence in Environmental Engineering & Science, Grand Prize – Small Projects (DC Water, Division N)


Fairfax County Park Foundation: 2014 Eakin Philanthropy Award

Fairfax County, Virginia, Department of Public Works and Environmental Services: Champion Award

The American Council of Engineering Companies: 2014 Engineering Excellence Awards- Award of National Recognition – Huntley Meadows Wetland Restoration Project, Water Resources Category

The American Council of Engineering Companies of Metropolitan Washington: 2013-2014 Engineering Excellence Honor Award – Huntley Meadows Park Wetlands Restoration Project, Water Resources Category

Fairfax County, Virginia: Tree Conservation Award for Huntley Meadows

The Community Appearance Alliance of Northern Virginia: 26th annual award for Wolftrap Creek Stream Restoration (March 2014)


City of Alexandria, Virginia: Bernard (Ben) Brenman Award, Outstanding Archaeologist (Boyd Sipe) (Field Notes article)

Fairfax County, Virginia: Land Conservation Award – Best Protected Environmentally Sensitive Site


Boy Scouts of America: Recognition and Induction into the Second Century Society

Fairfax County, Virginia, Department of Public Works and Environmental Services: Champion Award for Public Service in the Area of Innovation

Fairfax County, Virginia: Certificate of Recognition for Dredging and Stream Restoration Services at Fairfax County Government Center


Fairfax County, Virginia: Tree Conservation Award (Field Notes article)

Home Builders Association of Virginia: Associate of the Year (2-time recipient) (Field Notes article)


Chesapeake Conservation Landscaping Council: 2010 Conservation Landscaping Contest Winner

Community Appearance Alliance of Northern Virginia: Reston Stream Valley Stabilization and Restoration Project Honor Award (Field Notes article)

Greater Reston Chamber of Commerce: Best of Reston, Small Business Leaders Award

Commonwealth of Virginia: Governor’s Environmental Excellence Award

NAIOP, the Commercial Real Estate Development Association: Member of the Year (an unprecedented 3-time recipient!)

Northern Virginia Building Industry Association (NVBIA): Associate of the Year

Soil and Water Conservation Society: Ecological Excellence Award for Design


Washington SmartCEO: 2009 EcoCEO


Fairfax County, Virginia: Land Conservation Award

Fairfax County, Virginia: Resolution

Washington Business Journal: Greater Washington Green Business Awards: Finalist

Washington Business Journal: Greater Washington Green Business Awards: Team Member


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Low-Impact Development Center: 2007 LID Recognition Program

Virginia Tech Natural Resources Program: National Capital Region Award


Charlottesville Waldorf Foundation: Commonwealth Environmental Leadership Award (Field Notes article)

Fairfax County, Virginia: 2006 Environmental Excellence Award (Field Notes article)

Fairfax County, Virginia, Department of Public Works and Environmental Services: 2006 Champion Award for Public Service

U.S. Green Building Council: LEED CI Gold Certification

Prince William County, Virginia Partners for the Potomac Stewardship Award (Field Notes article)

Reston Association: Corporate Sponsor of the Year


Commonwealth of Virginia, Governor’s Patrick Henry Award

NAIOP, Member of the Year


Home Builders Association of Virginia: Associate of the Year

NAIOP, the Commercial Real Estate Development Association: Award of Excellence

The Boy Scouts of America, National Capital Area Council: Character Counts Award


Engineers and Surveyors Institute: Technical Associate of the Year


NAIOP, the Commercial Real Estate Development Association: Energy and Environment Award

Engineers and Surveyors Institute: Technical Associate of the Year


State of Maryland: Governor’s Salute to Excellence Award


Northern Virginia Building Industry Association (NVBIA): Special Chapter Service Award

NAIOP, the Commercial Real Estate Development Association: Member of the Year