Cemetery Excavation

August 2016

In advance of redevelopment of the ±0.52 acre Israel Senior Residences Housing Site, an affordable residential development [...]

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ETS Alert: Wood Turtles

August 2016

If your project site in northern Virginia includes a clear, moderate- to fast-flowing perennial stream and a [...]

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Permit Fines Increase

August 2016

The financial penalties charged by federal agencies are increasing drastically. The Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act [...]

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MDSPGP-4 expiring

August 2016

The Maryland State Programmatic General Permit-4, or MDSPGP-4 is set to expire on September 30, 2016. While [...]

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Fairfax County Floodplains

August 2016

Since 2004, the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has been updating precipitation frequency estimates across the country. [...]

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