environmental studies wetland delineation

Wetland Delineation

The ever-changing definition of Waters of the U.S. – and what is regulated – has been a significant and evolving issue that keeps the regulated community on their toes. WSSI stays at the forefront of policy regulations and the science behind them, so we provide the best studies and solutions for your projects.

Arlington County’s MS4 program underwent an audit by the Virginia DEQ. The Ballston wetland was a key inspection stop Tuesday for both the County’s TMDL compliance and floatables requirements. The project received high praise from DEQ for its water quality, habitat and community education benefits. It seems fitting to pass along this high praise to you who have been giving your all to this project for many months now. Thank you so much for all your hard work and dedication to this great project.

Christin Jolicoeur, Senior Watershed Planner, Arlington County, Dept. of Environmental Services