WSSI in the Community

November 2018

WSSI staff continually contribute to the natural and cultural resources industry, and we’re engaged in the communities [...]

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ETS Fines Increased

May 2018

In the February 12, 2018 Federal Register the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) issued a final [...]

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Have you Spotted the Spotted Lanternfly?

May 2018

The Virginia Cooperative Extension is asking for your help in identifying and reporting any sightings of the [...]

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2018 Dam Safety Grants

February 2018

The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) has announced that dam owners and local governments can [...]

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MBTA Incidental Take Changes

February 2018

The Department of the Interior's change in MBTA interpretation allows project developers to avoid the delays typically [...]

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WOTUS 2020

February 2018

On February 6, 2018, the EPA and Department of the Army published a final rule to the [...]

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September 2017

Title 41 of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST-41) created a new process to improve and [...]

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Blaze pink is the new Orange!

September 2017

This fall our Virginia fields and forests may be speckled with pink – as blaze pink gives [...]

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Permit Fines Increase

August 2016

The financial penalties charged by federal agencies are increasing drastically. The Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act [...]

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