WSSI has provided comprehensive environmental engineering for Hazardous Materials and related services to VDOT since 2006 through consecutively awarded contracts. Our work has included investigations, feasibility studies, field inspections, cost and time estimates for corrective actions, preliminary design, training, and compliance audits.
The Challenge
VDOT needs timely, reliable environmental investigations and sampling at their sites across the Commonwealth. From annual inspections of their permanent locations, to work on new construction sites, VDOT requires a tried-and-true, responsive consultant who can meet their needs in even the most far flung reaches of the state.
Our Solution
WSSI’s responsive client-focused model – paired with our skilled staff across the Commonwealth – has translated into more than 1,500 completed tasks on time and within budget. Our staff maintain strong working relationships with several VDOT District Regional Hazardous Materials Managers and Central Office personnel, and our long experience with the agency brings unparalleled efficiency and project knowledge to all of our work. Services provided include:
Environmental Site Assessments: Property assessments and site investigations for a wide range of projects. WSSI staff design and implement these projects to meet the applicable ASTM requirements while providing VDOT with the data required for the State Environmental Review Process (SERP) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for federally-funded project grants.
Site Investigations/Remedial Design: Petroleum Underground Storage Tank (UST) and Aboveground Storage Tank (AST) closures, removal and disposal of petroleum-impacted soil and groundwater, recovery of separate-phase petroleum from groundwater monitoring wells via pump and treat technologies, and groundwater sampling and analysis as part of site characterization reports or corrective action monitoring activities.
Asbestos Management: Asbestos-containing materials (ACM) inspections for 400+ projects. Prepared bid specifications for removal and provided contractor oversight and air clearance monitoring during removal activities.
Special Provisions: Prepared special provisions to include with bid specifications for handling and managing contaminated media (i.e., soil, groundwater, building materials) encountered during transportation construction projects. Provisions included handling and management practices in accordance with applicable federal and state regulations, as well as well as breakout of costs.
Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Compliance: Staff have prepared SPCC Plans for more than 40 facilities across the Commonwealth with fixed-bulk storage, mobile or potable storage, and oil-filled operational equipment. Our certified Steel Tank Institute (STI) inspectors have conducted AST inspections and developed and given SPCC training to oil handling personnel.
Training: Conducted training at facilities statewide for SPCC, UST Operator Class A&B, Waste Management and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs). Developed site-specific digital training modules for SPCC facilities.
Environmental Compliance: We have conducted multi-media compliance audits at 300+ VDOT facilities statewide. Assisted VDOT in the development of an audit checklist specific to VDOT operations including management of salt, asphalt, petroleum storage (AST and UST), emergency generators, boils, oil/water separators, hazardous materials, hazardous waste, universal waste, vehicle washing, and MS4 compliance. Provided technical support in the development of the Compliance Module addition to VDOT’s environmental tracking software.

Project Facts
- Owner
Virginia Department of Transportation - Location
Virginia, statewide