WSSI is pleased to support the City of Alexandria in its work to create robust multi-modal transportation infrastructure that welcomes pedestrian and bicycle traffic, improving safe and green transportation options for residents, tourists, and local workers.

The Challenge

In support of the City’s efforts to create a safe network for pedestrian and bicycle traffic, WSSI is contributing to the design and construction of a ±2,000-foot long shared-use path along North Beauregard Street adjacent to Lucky Run by evaluating environmental constraints and obtaining regulatory approvals for improvements in this urban green corridor.

The Solution

In the design phase, WSSI staff evaluated environmental constraints that could impact the proposed pathway for the project. Environmental scientists conducted a delineation of wetlands and other Waters of the U.S. and obtained confirmation of the boundaries from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Our survey team survey-located the extent of jurisdictional surface waters. WSSI scientists also evaluated the potential presence of threatened and endangered species in the project area.

Our hazardous materials specialists prepared a Contaminated Lands Survey for the project site to evaluate presence or absence of contamination within the limits of disturbance for the project, and determined there were no known or potential hazardous materials issues that represent a substantial liability or require substantial regulatory negotiation to resolve.

WSSI’s cultural resources team researched the potential for cultural resource impacts in the corridor as well, to ensure that the project would remain in compliance with National Historic Preservation Act requirements for federal permitting that would be needed for the construction process. WSSI’s evaluation confirmed that no historic properties would be impacted by the project.

WSSI provided Programmatic Categorical Exclusion (PCE) documentation pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act to meet Federal Highway Administration requirements. Analysis for the PCE included regulatory compliance with these impact areas: environmental justice, Section 4(f) use of publicly owned park, recreation and refuge lands, cultural and historic resources, natural resources (wetlands and waters, protected species, floodplains), and hazardous materials. WSSI will be responsible for environmental re-evaluation of the plans, specifications, and estimates. In addition to PCE documentation, we completed a Major Water Quality Impact Assessment (WQIA) for the construction of boardwalks, trails, and pathways.

  • Benjamin Rosner, PWD, PWS, VSWD

    Gainesville, VA

  • Zaneta Hough

    Virginia Beach, VA